As the parish church, we recognise and value our partnership in the gospel with other branches of the Christian Church and this is reflected in the presence among us of folk who would describe themselves first as Baptist or Free Church etc.
Our style of worship is relatively informal and endeavours to blend both the traditional and the new.
We think we are a friendly lot and we invite you to come and visit. We assure you of a warm welcome.
Follow the links below to find out more about us:
- How to visit or get in touch
- Church Services details
- Main Church contacts
- How to book the Church rooms or the main Church
- Church History
From 2016-18 our Church underwent extensive repairs, with a renovated roof, stonework and redecoration. We have created a dedicated webpage as a record of all this work and as a place to say thank you to all those that gave their time, donated so much money and worked so hard over the last few years.